Thursday, June 4, 2009

16 May 2009 - Bus-Setter #2 Photography saved my sanity.

The 2 o'clock bus ride back to Durban to pick up my new cameras was hideous.
The driver seemed so wasted as he swerved all over the road creating images in my head of the bus turning over on my side with the 100 kg big mama sitting across the way from me landing on my head and killing me if I survived the initial accident. Let's not talk about the annoying kid three rows back singing , "choo-choo goes the train" over and over and over for 45 min. I just felt like shouting "its a fucking bus you half pint bitch!" and then she started crying about 2 hours before that and the mother wasn't having any part in controlling her ....... I was screaming blue murder in my head. Before that was the guy directly behind me an engineer from Sasol on his way home to a christening chatting to who his paster who later decide to sing over his Ipod  in the most horrific tone " you are all in my head .I am stuck on you...." at first amusing but after twenty minutes it just got plane infuriating .... to calm down I started shooting from the window at the peaceful clouds. They aren't even really sharp but it drowned out the experience I was having to endure.

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